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11 + 2 =

Let’s face it.

Nothing is going to piss you off more than dumber people becoming wealthier than you, faster. That really sucks on many levels. Not just fairness. Or lazier people. Even if equally qualified people like you, are getting wealthier than you? Well, that’s just not on. Surely, you have wondered many times, “I should be able to do something about it!”


Well – Is there actually a way?

Just so we are clear here. We are talking about creating passive income generating assets (PIGA) – using tax dollars. Instead of your salary getting paid to the ATO, those dollars go towards creating assets that can generate you passive income.

With the new tax brackets (and many even under the old ones), quite a few people are able to generate passive income this way. If you are a manager or in a supervisory position you will tend to be on a higher salary. Unfairly, you get taxed higher, in a higher tax bracket. Because we are using those tax dollars to create passive income, that means you usually have even more tax dollars available to create passive income generating assets (PIGA).


Why is it possible for you to generate passive income?


Governments have huge appetite for large & expensive projects. Politics forces them to complete them. For instance, there is a housing problem in Australia. So, if you build houses, as everyone knows, they give you money back. Well, it’s not that simple. But you get what I am saying. So, just like that, there are other policies in place, that need funding. When you fund them, you get tax incentives and money back and so on. Because the government wants to encourage you to help them. Makes sense, right?

Obviously, not everything is going to work for everyone.

We have come up with an easy way to find out whether you can use tax structures & use your tax dollars to create PIGA. Instead of paying taxes. We used to only have a template that you could use to determine that. But, after a thorough round of feedback with clients, many seem to have found this (below) much easier & private v/s a fumbly template. The latter has been revised somewhat and is still included further down.

(Just remember, this only gives you a rough idea of whether or not you are likely to achieve passive income of 100k p.a. To know for sure, you need to talk to us or your accountant.. although if he/she has not mentioned passive income to you, maybe you should switch accountant?)


**All you have to do is answer these questions for yourself**


So here you go:

  • Do you make over $150k?
  • Or Combined income as a couple at $150k?
  • Are you presently able to save $1-2k/month?
  • Are you comfortable with investment principles e.g. it cost money to make money?
  • Are you open to learning new tax strategies that convert tax bills into passive income?
  • Are you committed to starting quickly (before the opportunities vaporise)?
  • Have you combined different tax structures e.g. SMSF, Hybrid trusts, CGT minimising devices & others together? (if the answer is ‘no’ here, we may be able to help you further)
  • Have you just bought a few random shares and/or some property investment & don’t have an involved tax/wealth plan in place?
  • Are all your funds tied into something already e.g. your primary residence? (if the answer is ‘no’ here, we may be able to help you further)

You want all (Except for the 2 “no” answers i.e. question 7 & 9 I mention above) your answers to be positive. That’s a good starting baseline.


The blueprint that we used to provide is still here for you, though! It used to throw people off. So, after a number of consultation, we have split it in two. (Yes – this stuff is complicated, that’s why you have people like us doing the heavy lifting for people like you)


(Of course, it’s true – the stories you have heard about Millionaires paying little to no tax, as you can tell below)


The first part shows the basic funding model, that gets you the money to fund your passive income efforts.

The second part gets into the guts of the funding engine itself.



Not all accountants are created equal. Otherwise, you would not still be reading. Many accountants are not proactive and will not highlight opportunities. Some may try to do so. However, unless they specialise in creating passive income, they will still falter and fail to assist you in the end.

That’s because most of them are not familiar with the different types of trusts and other structures out there to start with. Then, on top of that, they have to have experience how to combine these structures (that they are not familiar with) to produce these passive income streams, using tax dollars.

But when people ask them, these accountants look all glum and say “yes” because they think they know – just because they are accountants. And that is dangerous. This burns their clients badly.


As a result, most find us to be the only ones they can turn to for help.


If that’s you, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Just complete this short form and we’ll be in touch – with likely, some great news too.